The programme of EPS-12
will follow the traditional scheme of the series consisting of plenary
talks, parallel symposia with invited presentations and posters, no conference
proceedings will be published.
The EPS-12 Conference
Booklet can be downloaded in pdf format.
The successful tradition
of the Young Physicists' Day will be continued. In 2002, there will be
a common programme with the International
Conference of Physics Students, that will be held at the same place
from 21 to 27 August 2002. |
Sunday, 25 August 2002
15:00 21:30
Registration (Level 1) |
19:00 21:30
Welcome Reception (Harmony
Hall, Level 1) |
Monday, 26 August 2002
9:00 9:30
Opening (Globe Hall
Level 0) |
9:30 10:10
Cecil Powell Memorial
D. Weaire (Trinity
College, Dublin, Ireland): The value of useless studies (Globe
Hall Level 0) |
10:10 10:50
Z. Alferov (Ioffe
Physico-Technical Institute, St Petersburg, Russia):
Semiconductor heterostructures:
State-of-art and future trends (Globe Hall Level 0) |
10:50 11:20
Coffee break |
11:20 12:00
F. Capasso (Bell
Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, USA): Teaching electrons
and photons new tricks with state-of-the-art technology: Quantum Cascade
Lasers, optical microbilliards, and QED-based nanomechanics (Globe Hall
Level 0) |
12:00 12:40
T. Dietl (Institute
of Physics, Warszawa, Poland):
Semiconductor Spintronics
(Globe Hall Level 0) |
Lunch |
14:20 15:50
Poster Session 1
ICPS2002 and EPS-12 poster presentations (attended)
(Poster Hall Level
0 and Globe Hall Gallery Level 1) |
15:20 15:50
Coffee break |
15:50 16:50
Agilent Technologies
Europhysics Prize Lecture
R. Sessoli (University
of Florence, Italy), J. Friedman (Amherst College, Amherst, USA),
Barbara (CNRS, Grenoble, France): Quantum dynamics of nanomagnets
(Globe Hall Level 0) |
16:50 17:30
E.N. Economou (FORTH
& Univ. of Crete Heraklion, Crete, Greece): Photons and phonons in
mesoscopic systems (Globe Hall Level 0) |
17:30 17:35
Announcement of the result
of the Poster Competition (Globe Hall Level 0) |
19:15 20:00
Organ Concert (Matthias
Church) |
Tuesday, 27 August 2002
9:00 10:55
Young Physicists Day
7 talks (Globe Hall Level 0) |
10:55 11:25
Coffee break |
11:25 12:40
Young Physicists Day
5 talks (Globe Hall Level 0) |
Lunch |
14:40 17:30
Parallel Symposia 16
Hall, Rooms A, B, C, D, E Level 0)
Poster Session 1
ICPS2002 and EPS-12 poster presentations (unattended)
(Poster Hall Level
0 and Globe Hall Gallery Level 1) |
17:30 18:00
Coffee break |
18:50 20:00
Round-Table Discussion
The Future of Research and Development in Europe
(Globe H all Level
0) |
ICPS2002 Barbecue Party
(not included in the EPS-12 registration fee) (Margaret Island, Europe
Grill Garden) |
Globe Hall Level 0
from 14:40 to 17:30
Convener: Y. Petroff (Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA)
14:45 F. Sette (ESRF, Grenoble,
France): X-ray science at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility:
recent results and future challenges
15:13 M. Altarelli (Sincrotrone
Trieste, Italy): Science with VUV and soft X-ray synchrotron light sources
15:41 F. Schluenzen (Max-Planck-Arbeitsgruppen
für strukturelle Molekularbiologie Hamburg, Germany): Antibiotics
targeting ribosomes
16:09 F. Mezei (Hahn-Meitner
Institut, Berlin, Germany): ESS: a quantum leap in research opportunities
16:37 R.Cywinski (University
of Leeds, UK): Muon beam research in condensed matter science: achievements
and prospects
17:05 F. Pászti (KFKI
Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary):
Ion beam analysis today and tomorrow
Room A Level 0 from
14:40 to 17:30
Convener: A.W. Kleyn (Leiden
University, The Netherlands)
14:40 A.W. Kleyn (Leiden
University, The Netherlands): The Physics Education Division of EPS
14:45 E. Johansson (Stockholm
University, Sweden): School projects at the physics frontline
15:30 H. Ferdinande (Universiteit
Gent, EUPEN Consortium, Gent, Belgium): EUPEN's ongoing contribution to
European physics education
16:10 Break
16:30 R. Lambourne (Open
University, Milton Keynes, UK) Teaching physics at a distance: challenges
and solutions
16:50 G. Tibell (Uppsala
University, Sweden): Physics competitions a way to promote the discipline
in schools
17:10 Zs. Rajkovits (Eötvös
Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary) New types of physics competitions
for secondary school students
Room B Level 0
from 14:40 to 17:30
Room B Level 0 from
14:40 to 17:30
Convener: P. Ormos (Research
Center for Biology, HAS, Szeged, Hungary)
14:40 J. Howard (Max Planck
Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany): Coupling
microtubule depolymerization to ATP hydrolysis by the Kin I kinesin MCAK
15:10 U. Nienhaus (University
of Ulm, Germany): Exploring the rugged conformational energy landscape
of proteins
15:40 A. Dér (Biological
Research Centre HAS, Szeged, Hungary): The role of environmental fluctuations
in the function of proton pumps
16:10 Break
16:30 T. Duke (University
of Cambridge, UK): Active detection of sound in the inner ear
17:00 R.H. Austin (Princeton
University, USA): Micro to nanoscale machinery to unravel the code of life
Room C Level 0 from
14:40 to 17:30
Convener: W.R. Salaneck
(IFM Linköping University, Sweden)
14:45 W.R. Salaneck (IFM
Linköping University, Sweden): Introduction
15:00 J.L. Brédas
(University of Arizona, Tucson, USA): Characterization of the charge transport
and energy transfer processes in organic semiconductors
15:30 W.R. Salaneck (Linköping
University, Linköping, Sweden): Photoelectron spectroscopy of conjugated
16:00 C. Taliani (CNR, Bologna,
Italy): Organic spintronics: a new perspective for organic semiconductors
16:30 R. Friend (University
of Cambridge, UK): Polymer electronics
17:00 H. Hofstraat (Philips
Research, Department Polymers & Organic Chemistry, and University of
Amsterdam, Eindhoven, The Netherlands): Application of conjugated polymers
We are just at the beginning
Room D Level 0 from
14:40 to 17:30
Convener: N.J. Mason (University
College London, UK)
Co-convener: E. Hinds (University
of Sussex, Brighton, UK)
14:40 C.I. Westbrook (Lab.
Charles Fabry de l'Inst. d'Optique, Orsay, France): Studies of Penning
ionizing collisions in Bose-Einstein condensates
15:15 M. Inguscio (Universita'
di Firenze, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy): Fermi-Bose and Bose-Bose quantum
degenerate K-Rb mixtures
15:50 F. Masnou-Seeuws (Laboratoire
Aime Cotton, Orsay, France): Formation of ultracold molecules via photoassociation
of laser-cooled atoms
16:25 J. Dalibard (Laboratoire
Kastler Brossel, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France): Rotating Bose-Einstein
condensates and quantum vortices
17:00 E. Hinds (University
of Sussex, Brighton, UK): Taming the wild atom
Room E Level 0 from
14:40 to 17:30
Convener: D. Stauffer (Universität
zu Köln, Germany)
14:40 R.E. Ansorge (University
of Cambridge, UK): Physics in medical imaging
15:30 F. Kun (University
of Debrecen, Hungary): Fracture and Fragmentation of Disordered Solids
16:15 Break
16:45 D. Stauffer (Universität
zu Köln, Germany): How to convince others simulations of Sznajd
Wednesday, 28 August 2002
9:00 09:40
S. Solomon (Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Israel): The importance of being discrete: The
emergence of complex social dynamics from simple individual interactions
(Globe Hall Level 0) |
9:40 - 10.20
T. Vicsek (Eötvös
University, Budapest, Hungary): Crowd control (Globe Hall Level 0) |
10:20 - 11:00
P. Barabaschi (ITER
Garching, Germany): ITER: Realizing the promise of fusion energy (Globe
Hall Level 0) |
11:00 11:30
Coffee break |
11:25 12:40
EPS Presidents Address
and General Meeting,
Gero Thomas Memorial
Medal (Globe Hall Level 0) |
Lunch |
15:00 22:30
EPS-12 Conference Excursion
including dinner |
Thursday, 29 August 2002
9:00 09:40
G. Schäfer (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität,
Jena, Germany): Recent progress and future developments in gravitational
physics (Globe Hall Level 0) |
9:40 - 10.20
A. Wolfendale (University
of Durham, UK): The origin of cosmic rays (Globe Hall Level 0) |
10:20 - 10:40
EPS Public Understanding
of Physics Prize
Joint EPS-BPU Prize for
Environmental Physics (Globe Hall Level 0) |
10:40 11:10
Coffee break |
11:10 11:50
J. Stachel (University
of Heidelberg, Germany): Deconfined nuclear matter, what have we learnt
from the SPS? (Globe Hall Level 0) |
11:50 - 12:30
H. Nifenecker (ISN
Grenoble, France): How much could nuclear power contribute to the mitigation
of CO2 emissions? (Globe Hall Level 0) |
12:30 - 12:40
Lise Meitner Prize
(Globe Hall Level 0) |
12:40 - 12:50
Outreach Prize (Globe
Hall Level 0) |
Lunch |
14:40 - 16:10
Poster Session 2
EPS-12 presentations (attended) (Poster Hall Level 0 and Globe Hall
Gallery Level 1) |
15:40 - 16:10
Coffee break |
16:10 - 19:00
Parallel Symposia 712(Globe
Hall, Rooms A, B, C, D, E Level 0)
Poster Session 2
EPS-12 presentations (unattended) (Poster Hall Level 0, and Globe
Hall Gallery Level 1) |
20:15 - 22:45
Conference Dinner
(not included in the EPS-12 registration fee), Stefánia Palace
(Budapest, XIV. Stefánia út 34.) |
Globe Hall Level 0
from 16:10 to 19:00
Convener: A. Wagner (DESY,
Hamburg, Germany)
16:10 W. Buchmüller
(DESY, Hamburg, Germany): Theoretical perspectives of Particle Physics
16:38 L. Rolandi (CERN,
Geneva, Switzerland): What have experiments taught us?
17:06 B. Foster (University
of Bristol, UK, DESY, Hamburg, Germany): The scientific Roadmap of Particle
Physics in the coming 20 Years
17:34 K. Hübner (CERN,
Geneva, Switzerland): Challenges for accelerators
18:02 J. Carr (Centre de
Physique de Particules de Marseille, France): Particle Physics without
18:30 I.F. Corbett (ESO,
Garching, Germany): Challenges of going global: new paradigms for Particle
Room A Level 0 from
16:10 to 19:00
Convener: L. Pavesi (Universita'
di Trento, Italy)
16:10 L. Tiefenauer (Paul
Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, Switzerland): Nanotechnology for Life
16:50 U. Woggon (Universität
Dortmund, Germany): Ultrafast spectroscopy of quantum dots
17:30 D.L. Beke (University
of Debrecen, Hungary): Non-linear effects in diffusion on nanoscale
18:10 F. Iacona (CNR-IMM,
Catania, Italy): Photoluminescence and electroluminescence properties of
undoped and Er-doped Si nanocrystals
Room B Level 0 from
16:10 to 19:00
Convener: M. Ducloy (Université
Paris Nord, Villetaneuse, France)
Co-conveners: G. Leuchs
(Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany)
J.-M. Raimond (Université
Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France)
16:10 J.A. Jones (Clarendon
Laboratory, Oxford, UK): Quantum computing and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
16:35 J.I. Cirac (Max-Planck-Institut
für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany): Entangling atomic ensembles
17:00 N. Gisin (Université
de Geneve, Switzerland): Quantum communication at telecom wavelengths
17:25 G. Rempe (Max-Planck-Institut
für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany): Optical cavity quantum electrodynamics
17:50 M. Orrit (CNRS &
Universite Bordeaux, Talence, France): Quantum optics with single nanoobjects
18:15 P. Joyez (CEA-Saclay,
Gif-sur-Yvette, France): Operation of a solid-state quantum bit circuit
Room C Level 0 from
16:10 to 19:00
Convener: B. Jonson (Chalmers/GU,
Göteborg, Sweden)
16:10 T. Nilsson (CERN,
Geneva, Switzerland): Exotic nuclei and radioactive beams at low energy
16:50 H. Fynbo (University
of Aarhus, Denmark): Multi-particle emission
17:10 F. Herfurth (CERN,
Geneva, Switzerland): Masses of dripline nuclei
17:30 T. Aumann (GSI, Darmstadt,
Germany): Exotic nuclei and radioactive beams at high energy
18:00 M. Freer (University
of Birmingham, UK): Clustering in neutron-rich nuclei
18:35 H. Simon (TU Darmstadt,
Germany): Unbound nuclei
Room D Level 0 from
16:10 to 19:00
Conveners: J.P. Swings (Université
de Liège, Belgium)
Co-conveners: M.C.E. Huber
(International Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland)
J. Kuijpers (University
of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
16:10 C. Aerts (Katholieke
Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium): Asteroseismology: from the Sun to stars
17:00 I. Lehmann (Max Planck
Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Germany): Recent results
from the X-ray Satellites Chandra and XMM-Newton
18:10 J.L. Puget (Institut
dAstrophysique Spatiale, Orsay, France): Cosmic Microwave Background measurements:
status and future
Room E Level 0 from
16:10 to 19:00
Convener: L. Wöste
(Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany)
Round Table Discussion Speakers:
Z. Ben Lakhdar (University
of Tunis, El Manar-Tunis, Tunisia)
J.-L. Morán López
(Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica,
San Luis Potosí, Mexico)
A. Suzor-Weiner (University
Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
L. Wöste (Freie Universität,
Berlin, Germany)
N. Hounkonnou (National
University of Abomey-Calavi, Porto-Novo, Republic of Benin)
A. Baig (Quaid-i-Azam University,
Islamabad, Pakistan)
E. Lillethun (University
of Bergen, Norway)
Friday, 30 August 2002
9:00 09:40
C. Joshi (UCLA, Los
Angeles, USA): High energy density plasma science with ultrarelativistic
electron beams (Globe Hall Level 0) |
9:40 - 10.20
D. Treille (CERN,
Geneva, Switzerland): What have we learnt with the LEP machine? (Globe
Hall Level 0) |
10:20 - 11:00
M.J.G. Veltman (NIKHEF,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands): The Higgs particle: fact and speculation(Globe
Hall Level 0) |
11:00 11:30
Coffee break |
11:30 12:10
J.-L. Morán-López
(Institute for Scientific and Technological Research of San Luis Potosí,
México): Is physics the privilege of developed countries? (Globe
Hall Level 0) |
Lunch |
14:50 - 15:30
L. Hau (Harvard University,
Cambridge, USA): Ultra-slow and stopped light and superfluid shock waves
at the light roadblock(Globe Hall Level 0) |
15:30 - 16:10
A. Zeilinger (University
of Vienna, Austria): Quantum interference of individual quantum systems
(Globe Hall Level 0) |
16:10 - 16:40
Coffee break |
16:40 - 17:20
H. Walther (Sektion
Physik der Universität München and Max-Planck-Institut für
Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany): Single atom experiments and the test
of Quantum Physics (Globe Hall Level 0) |
17:20 - 18:00
L. Tisza (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA): Remembering Eugene
Wigner and pondering his legacy (Globe Hall Level 0) |
18:00 - 18:20
Closing (Globe
Hall Level 0) |